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  • Diane Eble "writer, coach to heal "heart ... - Reclaiming your soul's birthright to creativityThis is one of the few books that has changed me in the deepest way possible. It's not only about "bcoming more creative"--it's about reclaiming your soul's birthright to creativity. It is life-changing only if you do the exercises, but if you do ... you will never be the same. I do not bestow "work of genius" lightly--there are only a handful of books I would add to this category--but this is one of them.
  • jazzmania25 - Restoring healthRecently, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and struggling with what to eat to reduce my symptoms. Having this resource of what to eat, what not to eat, and a clear explanation of the science behind how the body works with food has dramatically improved my outlook and overall health quickly. With my medication and this guide it has made managing the colitis simple. "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" has been a giant leap on my journey to regain true natural health.
  • W. B. Pinson - Essential ListeningWhen the liquid bass line and seductive female vocals on Safe From Harm flooded into my stereo, I was immediately hooked. The first offering from Massive Attack is a genre defining and genre smashing classic. This music became known as trip hop, and this is the first classic trip hop album.

    The musical styles reach from r&b and soul (Safe From Harm, Lately), to hip hop (Blue Lines, Daydreaming), to dub (Five Man Army) and dance (Unfinished Symphony).

    This is the most soulful of the Massive Attack albums, mainly due to Shaara Nelsons vocal talents. This also has a more organic sound than Protection or Mezzanine.

    Though I prefer Mezzanine for it's relentless and claustrophobic sound, Blue Lines is a classic album. A must have for any serious music fan. Keep an open mind and you won't be disapointed.