Gjms.com.pk Review:

Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences - Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences (GJMS) is the official Journal of Gomal Medical College, D.I.Khan, Pakistan


Country: North America, US, United States

City: 60641 Chicago, Illinois

  • Elliott C. Maynard - Chaos Point: Unique New Pathways for Transformative ThinkingErvin Laszlo is one of the most brilliant individuals of our times. In "The Chaos Point" he creates a tapestry based on his wealth of experiences in International Leadership and Transformative Thinking...the culmination of his co-evolutionary activities with The Club of Rome, and as Founder of the Club of Budapest. Within this book are contained the essences of Critical Strategies for Transformation within the context of Systems Science, and Chaos Theory. From this Chaos Theory Perspective, Laszlo highlights "Chaos Windows" as transition periods, and "Chaos Points" as Tipping Points - both critical opportunities during which decisive actions by Global Leaders can be disproportionally magnified to effect positive global transformation, which will result in co-evolutionary leaps in the Global Social Consciousness, and shift the balance of powers toward Global Peace and Biospsherical Sustainability. This is a brilliantly crafted book, and represents the cultimation of Laszlo's Life Works and the synthesis of over 20 books, and a wealth of experience in the field of Global Leadership and Social Transformation. Elliott Maynard, Ph.D., President, Arcos Cielos Research Center, Sedona, Arizona, USA,
  • Virginia Hale - Great energy!I researched before I purchased this. This product doesnt have any fillers, etc. It gives you energy. I've only lost 3 pounds so far, but I feel really good. I did try another product recommended by the salesman at GNC and it didn't do anything. It even made me feel worse. I'm on depression medications and have hypoglycemia, so I have to be careful. Just ordered my second bottle.
  • Angelita - Pure GarciniaI Just bought this from the urging of one of my girlfriend's who has already lost 12 lbs on it. I started taking the product 2 weeks ago and I can tell that it really has helped curb my appetite and I am starting to really trim down. I am trying to couple this with a healthy diet and Exercise. I think that is the key to everything in a healthy lifestyle.
  • J. Passaniti "J" - Page. Turner.The first night I started into this book, I got about 75 pages in and went to sleep. The next night, I was up until 3:45am. Thank goodness it was a weekend, because I'd have been a zombie at work. It got going and I could NOT put it down. The author is so good at crafting a tense situation, and even though the format is unconventional (the story is re-told to you after it happened, as if she were talking to her therapist), the emotion comes through loud and clear. At times my stomach was in knots from discomfort at what she was going through, but that's just GREAT writing in action.

    I highly recommend it -- two thumbs way, way up.