

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 29607 Greenville, South Carolina

  • Pixie Poet - The diet worksI had colitis and frequent diarrhea after chemotherapy 2 years ago. After going on this diet, specifically after I cut out brown rice and started eating dry curd cottage cheese, my stool is now normal. The pain in my abdomen is gone.
    One great side effect of the dry curd cottage cheese is that I now sleep longer. Which is wonderful wonderful since Ive had chronic insomnia for many years.
    I will update my review in the future.
  • ComfyShoeMaven - Excellent ProductI bought this as a Gold Box special, and it arrived a few days before I was to have some major surgery.

    I wanted to get all my affairs in order just in case, and the Will Maker helped me accomplish this.

    The program takes you through each step, and you just plug in the information. What is great is that it provides the form that is considered legal in each state.

    I created a will, a medical power of attorney, and advanced directive. I had an advanced directive that I had found on the Internet, but the one in Will Maker is much more thorough, and takes into account many of the directives that my doctor told me should be included.

    All this, plus the free legal encyclopedia, made the purchase very worthwhile, and I highly recommend it.
  • Joseph J. Ganzi - Great bike for the $$'s!After spending months researching which mountain bike to buy, I took a gamble on this because of the price. I was NOT disappointed! This bike is fantastic for the $$'s and is definitely upgrade worthy. The frame is the same one that is on the higher end Overdrive models and the components are usable. Assembly was easy, I was out riding within 1.5 hours and that's after taking the time to tweak the brakes and derailleurs. I changed out the seat and pedals, now it feels as solid as the $600-700 bikes I rode at the local shops. 100 miles later, I still say it was WELL worth it!