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  • Debbie the Book Devourer "dletour7" - High Five -- the fun's still alive!I've been giggling my way through the Stephanie Plum series of mysteries, and while I've enjoyed each one (and had to explain many times to my husband what I was laughing at), I started to find with the third and fourth books that maybe I was getting a little tired of the series. They started to seem the same, with the characters all stalled where they were in the previous book.

    But I see that they are in fact growing and evolving, sometimes in surprising ways! Lula is really getting into her some-time role as bounty hunter's assistant (which gets her out of the bail bond office, where she files). Grandma Mazur is crazy as ever, but has added to her arsenal. Sparks fly between Stephanie and Ranger (and Stephanie and Morelli, which makes things even more interesting). And most importantly, Stephanie seems to be starting to get the hang of this bounty hunter thing. I wasn't sure I could stomach 11(+?) books of her bumbling around all the time.

    I don't think I need to worry. This book was a rollicking good time: fun characters, decent plot, snappy dialogue, and much craziness. Sometimes you just need something fun to read. I'm glad I have at least six more of these books to supply that need!
  • Jeff D. - Portable work/gaming machineI pre-ordered the prime back in December and finally had it in my hands at the end of February. Now that enough time has passed I've decided to do a review.
    First to address the most common complaints
    Wifi: The wifi is not as strong as any of my laptops or even the wifi card on my desktop but its no worse then any other handheld device i have. I own a Dell streak, rooted Nook color, Motorola droid pro and Motorola Xprt. (Wife is sprint I'm on Verizon for work) All of them get the same signal except the nook color just looses all signal once I get across the house.

    Haven't used gps don't know why anyone would on a tablet especially a wifi only one.

    Haven't had any forced reboots or lockups

    The storage on this is great. Base line of 32 gigs will suffice for even hard core app users. For people that like to store movies on it you can get a 32 gig micro sd card which i did and store them on there. Also with the dock (which should almost just be a requirement its that good)you can add up to a 128gb sd card which i got a class 10 32 gig one on sale for $22. That's 96 gigs of storage not even counting the flash drives and external drives you could use with the usb port.

    Last and my favorite is gaming. Games are smooth and look great and for more fun get a blue-tooth controller (in my case ps3 controller) and get a cheap micro hdmi to hdmi cable and play games on your tv. Nothing like playing retro rpgs on your tv then walking away and still continue playing. Its like xbox live arcade on steroids.

    Overall this was the best $500 (plus $150) I have ever spent.