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  • Yolanda in San Francisco - Edward Snowden? Bamford beat him to the punch!All the news these days about Edward Snowden, but Bamford said basically the same thing about NSA snooping, and went into detail about how they suck up all that data, and how they went from one extreme (reluctance to do their job, citing exaggerated worries about breaking privacy laws) prior to 9/11, to the other. And he said it all back in 2008! So how come Bamford's not considered a "traitor"?
  • Leeg509 - A great little book packed with intestinal truth!This is a truth filled book that really helped my brother recover from Ulcerative Colitis. He was near surgery but this was an answer to our prayers. He had bouts of cholangitis (?) for years after a bile duct resection. These stopped immediately upon beginning this diet! Never had them again!He takes NO drugs at all now. This is like the Caveman and Paleo diets but has the science spot on for optimal health. He did this SCD diet for 2 years and is now just on a GF diet. It's one of God's miracles! "Ask and you WILL recieve"!
  • Rhiana Jones "Author of Cooking With Home Can... - HUGE Time and Money SaverI am a self admitted junkie for Nolo business and legal books. So I was excited to get the chance to review one of their software programs. Quicken WillMaker is better than any book for the complicated process of making a will. It's completely interactive. You just start and the beginning and answer a long series of questions. As you answer the questions, the software does all the work for you of completing the legal paperwork.

    Some of the bonus advantages:

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    You can't beat this for saving you time and lots of money considering the price of a lawyer per hour! When you're down, you can always have the final document reviewed by a paralegal or local attorney, but since you've done all the work upfront, you've saved hours of billable time.

    Sponsorship Disclaimer: A free review copy of this program was provided to me by the Amazon Vine Review Program. All opinions are 100% my own as always.