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  • Sergey A. Lipnevich - Fast and spacious basic external HDD that works well on Mac and LinuxIt's a bargain-basement kind of an external HDD, black plastic enclosure with a tiny blue light is the complete list of adornments you get. There's not even a desk space-saving stand included to keep the drive upright. But given the price it's only fair, everything is well made and feels like it's going to last. The speed is good on USB2; I haven't tried USB3 yet.

    I reformatted the drive on a Mac with HFS+ and use it on both Linux and Mac now.
  • bOoKwOrM - it's just....uh....brilliant!If you've enjoyed Panini's Doctor Who "Storybooks", then you'll love the "Brilliant Book". This is essential for fans of the show, and especially of Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor. The "Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2011" is illustrated throughout with many,many images from the show(some are behind the scenes photographs, some are actually promotional images,etc.), offers original fiction stories(which are also illustrated), gives good summaries of the fifth series episodes,and a bunch of other cool stuff.
    I personally liked the page that focused on the so-called "Dream Lord", and which actually gave the readers what appear to be hints about future episodes of the show. Another cool thing fans will appreciate, are the small script extracts scattered throughout the book, showing what scenes of dialogue Steven Moffatt chose to leave out of the finished episodes. :)
    Overall, this is a book that could be fun for the younger fans, but if you're an "older" fan of the show I'd recommend picking this up instead of the "Doctor Who Annual 2011"(which is also published by the BBC, and is more kid-centric/friendly than the "Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2011").
  • Patricia A. Higgins - undecided...they can't spell crystal correctlyI am extremely hesitant to purchase a product that does not conform to the unabridged dictionary's spelling of "crystal." What will happen if I use these devices and they continually misspell words on my term papers? Will Bic be intervening with my professors to try and rectify my poor marks? On the other hand, perhaps we should ask the police department to only use these pens! If the officers using these pens, write out our speeding tickets use them and misspell our names on the citation, we can point this out to the magistrate and tell the Honor, "This is a grave error, that is not my name, therefore the person alleged to have committed this heinous crime of driving 4.5 miles over the speed limit does not exist. Please dismiss the charges your Honor, the court has no jurisdiction over a person who does not exist."
  • Martyogigigi - 2011 National Electrical Code - Secure Download - PDF Edition $32.99Adopted in all 50 states, NFPA 70®: National Electrical Code has saved untold lives with comprehensive requirements for electrical wiring and equipment. When the Code advances to incorporate new technologies, you can't afford to fall behind! You need the 2011 NEC to safeguard people and property, and avoid violations. Buy Now
  • A Student - Kindle Version vs Lonely PlanetI haven't traveled to Spain with this yet, but I wanted to comment about using a Kindle (wifi only, no-touch) with this. Rick Steves uses maps that are look hand-drawn, and they look great on the Kindle's grayscale screen. However, Lonely Planet 2012 uses color maps which are harder to read on a grayscale screen. This is less of an issue on a smartphone, however.

    It appears that some basic efforts were made on both Lonely Planet and Rick Steves to convert the large maps into a series of tiles, which is good.

    In terms of content, I got both Lonely Planet Spain 2012 and Rick Steves Spain 2012 from the library first (before purchasing the Kindle versions). There are two things I like:
    - LP is written more in a dry guidebook kind of style, where as Rick Steves' has a nice voice to the writing; perhaps this is an artifact of having watched the show, but the writing is a lot more conversational.
    - The guided tours in LP are relatively short; RS contains more detailed notes on self-guided tours of various sights. For example, for Barcelona, there are two guided walks of the Ramblas and the Barri Gotic.

    In terms of physical sizes, I think LP Spain is thicker. I do think it has more listings, more content, but the way the guided walks are written made me favor Rick Steves', so that's what I got.