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  • M. W. Beech "Sha-adow" - Brilliant little head camBought this camera for kayaking and kite buggying, and I have to say it lives up the the advertising both on the website and also on youtube. It does what it says on the tin! The time lapse feature is a real bonus, just got to find a program to play it back as a movie now. The quality of build on this camera is excellent and I can see it serving me for many years, will definately have to get a second one for 3D videoing on the kayak, that'll be awesome. I've now got to give some thought as to how to mount it on the kayak and buggy for best results, the answer may be helmet on the buggy due to vibration and on a mast on the kayak.
  • The Raders - No Need To FearI purchased the Asus Transformer Prime two weeks ago and I am delighted. Having had a long history with iPads I was concerned that the Asus quality or performance might not match-up. I was also concerned because of the often discussed Wi-Fi and GPS issues with the Prime. But once I received and had it in my hands I could tell that much of those concerns were unfounded. The Asus Transformer Prime performs just as well as my iPad ever did. You can point to specs and bench-marking data to define those things that are not perceivable to the naked eye if you want to, but I am certain that most folks will never see or feel the difference. After using an iPad for many years I can honestly tell you there is not one thing I can not do with the Transformer Prime that I could do with my iPad. There is no limitation on available apps and the Transformer Prime even has a setting that will not allow you to accidentally install up proven apps... unless you want to (something iPads will not let you do). While ALL tablets can not be considered a full-blown computer or laptop experience, the Transformer Prime is as close as you can get. One of the primary differences between an iPad and the Transformer is that you have the ability to do REAL file management. Download files move them to new or existing folders, share the same file with multiple apps and move copy and paste files as needed. I also purchased the Keyboard Dock and it too is wonderfully made and perfectly functional. The quality and the workmanship on this product is excellent and I am so glad I went with the Prime and got the beautiful metal finish. There is indeed a GPS issue and you will need to order the free GPS dongle. The Wi-Fi issue is over blown, at least for me, I have not had any issues at all with Wi-Fi the connection strength "perhaps" fluctuates from time to time but I have not notice any issues with performance based on the Wi-Fi. I have had to do a reboot (reboot is very quick)on it a few times because of some quirky behavior but its not like I did not have to do the same thing from time-to-time with my iPad.

    From a user standpoint I see the Asus Transformer Prime as an iPad equal. Yes the display is not 400 times better than your HD TV but I challenge you to notice the difference when you have it in your hands. The speed and responsiveness is equal to if not exceeds my iPad. I can recommend the Asus Transformer Prime without hesitation.
  • David S. - Topps is still the bestTopps baseball cards have been the most collectible ball cards since the late 50's. There are 32 teams in the MLB and each team has a 40 man "active roster" which comes to 1,280 ball players. This card set includes 661 of the most popular baseball players. If you can find these on sale I recommend getting two sets. One set for opening and enjoying each and every card and another set to keep sealed for the purpose of retaining value.