Ww261.tsinavi.net Review:

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Country: Europe, DE, Germany

  • M. Tackett - The Story You Only Thought You KnewThe real gift of the great biographer is to visit the ground trod by so many before and find the story that they missed. It can only be achieved through great patience, persistence and the pursuit of the story that is hard, not the one that is easy. David Maraniss has done just that with this first installment of his biography of Barack Obama. Maraniss is often lauded as the David Halberstam of his generation--the praise has the added virtue of being true. You can be taken by Maraniss graceful writing to be sure, but the real value of his work is in the depth of his research and reporting. Like Robert Caro's brilliant books on Lyndon Johnson, you will finish this installment and just hope you dont have to wait years for the next one.
  • momamour - Absolutely worth it!I read the reviews on this product after looking for a healthy, organic meal replacement drink and decided to nervously purchase this. I have suffered from ulcers and slow gastric emptying for years. I knew I needed a meal replacement drink to help supplement calories for days that my body just cannot handle solid foods. After reading so many reviews on the taste, I wasn't sure if it would be money wasted yet again. My biggest concern was the taste and if I would be even able to keep this baby down.

    Well, I can happily say that I have been on this product for 1 week now with amazing results. Within the first day, the pain from my ulcer and acid reflux was gone. Literally, I haven't had any stomach pain or reflux at all since drinking this. This product did in one day what 5 years of being on 80mg of Nexxium could not do. Crazy!! My gut is emptying - I don't have that "stuck" feeling anymore, and I can tell because I have been using the bathroom everyday like a ritual. I even saw the doctor this week and he said I could cut my stomach meds back to 1/2 if I chose. I attribute this to all the enzymes in the product. I feel good, my skin is clear and I can think clearly because I am getting all the nutrients I need. Seriously, this product is that good.

    The taste is pretty good if you are used to that "organic" style of taste. I blend my two scoops of powder with a glass of organic unfiltered apple juice and sometimes half a glass of Lifeway raspberry keifer. It is delicious!! Sometimes it is grainy at the bottom so I just throw in a bit more apple juice and swallow it down. Not bad at all!

    I usually have one in the morning for breakfast and another before bed to help with my digestion and prevent reflux at night.
    I never write reviews here. But this time I was compelled. I know I will be with this product for a long time.